Friday, October 9, 2009
hate exam!!!
damn it..
everyday study until die..
duno is who gv de tips..
all oso didnt hv out..
let me study the tips until p*ka*
first day-bm..
hard douu~~
duno will pass anot..
second day-bi&sc
exam till 4p.m
sot dehh..
friday lehh..
jus geo oni!!
duno the ppl will arrange the timetable anot
so noob..
tis post got abit word is not so good
verry good..
9.30 can back home liao..
thn me cuii n nao
go 7-eleven buy things
whn walk down see douu vV zaii thm
we keng xia gaii sambill wait nao mum..
finally her mum cum le..
we go buy mcd 1
thn oni bck my home
do revision
and keep take photo
all oso very perasan
i think we 3 camera total pic
hv almost 200 pcs
geng lehh..
at night celebrate jie jie de burfday
hapi burfday to jie jie!!
49.9 ringgit[half kg]very mahal
but very delicious!!
my sis n bear!!! my famiy~~
the left right n up is yellow colour shirt
middle left right is black colour shirt
thn the major character is grey colour shirt
hv team work worr!!
thn one day like tat finish....
long time no watch tv liao..
thn today at home watch tv
watch douu very song..
until night oni go out having dinner
tomoro wan study again!!
sienz arhxx...
most important
tomoro remember support 刘界辉
astro 313 7 p.m
remember arhxx..
hope 刘界辉can win!!
stil hv 2 days!!
thn can say bye bye to my bag lohh!!!
8:28 PM |